This course provides a basic knowledge of physics and is obligatory for all students who do not have a physics bachelor, to ensure that they will be able to follow the other courses of the Master of Nanoscale Engineering.
Outline of the course
Vibrations and wave-propagation phenomena
Propagation phenomena (stationary and propagating waves)
Normal modes of vibration
Interference and diffraction of waves
Elements of crystallography
Crystal lattices (in two and three dimensions, lattice planes, Bravais lattices, examples)
Reciprocal lattices
X-Ray diffraction
Bragg's law
Introduction to electrical properties of matter
Electric and magnetic fields, forces and dipoles in vacuum, Gauss theorem
Modifications in the presence of matter (metal, insulator), Drude model
Concepts of statistical thermodynamics
Statistical ensembles
Distribution laws (Fermi-Dirac, Bose-Einstein, Maxwell-Boltzmann)