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Surface-Analysis Techniques

Surface-Analysis Techniques (UE S3-2)

This course introduces the main methods involved in the surface analysis of material surfaces. It tackles questions on the chemistry and physics of the various approaches and discuss the advantages and shortcomings of a high number of methods including XRF, XPS, AES, SEM(-EDX), SIMS, ToF-SIMS, ISS,…

Outline of the course

  1. Introduction
    • Context and Parameters
    • X-Ray interaction with matter
    • Electron interaction with matter
    • Ion interaction with matter

  2. X-Ray detection based surface analysis techniques
    • Fluorescence
    • Diffraction

  3. Electron detection based surface analysis techniques
    1. XPS – X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy
      • Principles (Auger electron energy; spectra derivation)
      • Instrumentation
      • Qualitative and quantitative analysis (core levels, chemical shifts, Auger parameter, valence levels, imaging)

    2. AES – Auger Electron Spectroscopy
      • Principles (photoelectric effect, calibration, charge effect)
      • Instrumentation
      • Qualitative and quantitative analysis (qualitative analysis, depth profiling, SAM, chemical shifts)

  4. Ion detection based surface analysis techniques
    1. SIMS – Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry
      • Sputtering & ionisation
      • Instrumentation (ion sources, mass analysers, detectors)
      • Dynamic SIMS – static SIMS (ToF-SIMS)
      • Applications

    2. ISS – Ion Scattering Spectroscopy and RBS – Rutherford Backscattering
      • Low energy ion diffusion - ISS
      • High energy ion diffusion - RBS
      • Instrumentation
      • Applications


  • Final written exam


course volume

  • lecture: 30h
  • tutorial: 12h
  • practicals: 4h
  • autonomy: 2h
  • seminar: 2h
  • ECTS: 6